More on India

As promised, I also have some good bits to say about the trip to India. I hope you all weren't too put off by my first post, it really is an endearing place once you get past the crappy bits.

The shopping

Things are much cheaper in India and it's not just because of the exchange rates, because they don't exactly have a minimum wage and all the restrictive laws that we in the west have, costs for manufacturing, employment and trading is lower, which means the consumer gets things cheaper.

Another thing to note is the level of service you get is a lot better. If you walk into a clothing store for example, you'll have your own assistant for the entire time, they'll run around and get you what you want, sizes, styles, colors, everything you can think of, they know and they'll bring it out. And you don't need a basket or something to carry all of it in, they'll send it around the shop as you move along and it'll be all there at the end.

I could not get the 'read more' function to work after haloscan was given the boot, so click below to read the rest of the post. It's too long to post here, with the pictures and all.

Read the rest of India.

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