Tick Tock

Waiting for the other shoe to drop is turning out to be more suspense-filled than yesterday's barn-burner of a Grey Cup game. I refer to this evening's vote of non-confidence of course. It has been a long time in coming. It appears that Canada's opposition parties will finally join forces to help the Conservatives bring down Paul Martin's Liberal government. I must admit that I am a bit apprehensive about the vote which is set to occur in about 30 minutes. What if Handsome Jack and the NDP once again vote with the Grits? It's not like they haven't done so before. What if the Bloc pulls a last minute stunt? I'll breathe a lot easier once the vote is over. But if everything goes to plan, this nation's federal government will fall tonight and Martin will have no choice but to call a general election for early January.

Let's get ready Canada.

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