Moussaoui Cops a Plea

Zacarias Moussaoui, the only terrorist to have been charged directly in the 9/11 attacks, has pled guilty to all six charges leveled against him. Four of the charges carry a potential death penalty.

Death Penalty Charges Lesser Charges

- conspiracy to commit acts of terrorism
- conspiracy to commit aircraft piracy
- conspiracy to destroy aircraft
- conspiracy to use weapons of mass destruction

- conspiracy to destroy property
- conspiracy to murder government employees

More coverage is available from CNN and the BBC.

The matter is pretty much just pro forma at this point. Americans no longer need Moussaoui's conviction to move on, and the successes in Afghanistan and Iraq are more worth looking forward to. But, of course, you won't hear it from the traditional media, who will pile on to the Moussaoui sentencing as a chance to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat by raising the entire death sentence issue.

[Cross-posted at Between Worlds]

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